RAF Daws Hill, High Wycombe

Project: Residential Development

Client: Taylor Wimpey

Aspect Arboriculture were instructed to prepare an Arboricultural Impact Assessment and Method Statement for a proposed re-development at the former RAF Daws Hill, High Wycombe. The scheme includes 433 new homes, a village centre and the provision of a site for a new primary school.  

The site is located on the south east urban edge of High Wycombe, approximately 1.5km south of the town centre, set within a framework of existing mature trees. The site is currently developed, having previously accommodated residential and educational buildings associated with the former RAF base.

The site currently supports a large tree population originating from different phases in its use and occupation; this has generated a sylvan character to the site alongside distinct patterns within the tree distribution, age-class and species assemblage. The sites existing tree cover has been surveyed to inform the layout proposals and to quantify the potential for constraints and effects. Over 1000no. trees were surveyed on site.

Planning Issues: Tree Protection Plans to accompany Arboricultural Method Statements for demolition and construction phases; Tree Preservation Orders on site; Assistance with ongoing site supervision.